10 Des 2021

[blog.imam.in] Atiiga t Martina is now following your blog

28 Nov 2021

Updates to YouTube’s Terms of Service


On January 5, 2022, we're updating our Terms of Service ("Terms") to help clarify and make it easier to understand what to expect as you use the service. These changes won't affect the way you use YouTube. You can review a summary of the changes and the updated Terms here.


At a glance, this update covers:

  • More clarity on what to expect: We're providing more transparency about how we develop, improve, and update our service, including more detail about the reasons we make changes and updates, and the advanced notice we provide to you.
  • General updates for improved readability: While our Terms remain a legal document, we've done our best to make them easier to understand. This includes reorganizing some sections (such as Account Suspension and Termination) and rewording others (such as Changing this Agreement).
  • Inclusion of the Community Guidelines strikes process: Your use of YouTube has always been subject to the Community Guidelines and its strikes process, but we're now explicitly including the Community Guidelines strikes information in the Terms to increase transparency. There are no changes to how Community Guidelines strikes operate, or when a channel or content might receive a strike.

Please make sure you read the updates to the Terms. By continuing to use YouTube after this date, you are agreeing to the updated Terms. Note, if you allow your child to use YouTube Kids, or manage your child's use of YouTube through Family Link, take a moment to talk to them about these changes.


Thank you for being part of our global community!



Help Center Email options


You have received this email to update you about important changes to YouTube's Terms of Service.

© 2021 Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, 94043

26 Nov 2021

Pembaruan pada Persyaratan Layanan YouTube


Pada tanggal 5 Januari 2022, kami memperbarui Persyaratan Layanan kami ("Persyaratan") untuk membantu memperjelas dan mempermudah Anda memahami hal yang terjadi saat menggunakan layanan. Perubahan ini tidak akan memengaruhi cara Anda menggunakan YouTube. Anda dapat meninjau ringkasan perubahan dan Persyaratan terbarunya di sini.


Secara sekilas, pembaruan ini mencakup:

  • Peningkatan kejelasan mengenai hal yang mungkin terjadi: Kami memberikan transparansi yang lebih baik terkait cara kami mengembangkan, meningkatkan, dan memperbarui layanan kami, termasuk detail lebih lanjut tentang alasan kami melakukan perubahan dan update, serta pemberitahuan awal yang kami berikan kepada Anda.
  • Pembaruan umum untuk mengoptimalkan keterbacaan: Meskipun Persyaratan kami merupakan dokumen hukum, kami telah berupaya sebaik mungkin untuk membuatnya lebih mudah dipahami. Hal ini termasuk mengatur ulang beberapa bagian (seperti Penangguhan dan Penghentian Akun) serta menyusun ulang penggunaan katanya (seperti Mengubah Perjanjian ini).
  • Penyertaan proses Teguran Pedoman Komunitas: Penggunaan YouTube oleh Anda telah selalu tunduk pada Pedoman Komunitas dan proses tegurannya dan sekarang kami secara eksplisit memaparkan informasi Teguran Pedoman Komunitas pada Persyaratan untuk meningkatkan transparansi. Tidak ada perubahan pada proses Teguran Pedoman Komunitas, atau ketentuan yang membuat suatu channel atau konten menerima teguran.

Pastikan Anda membaca pembaruan Persyaratan ini. Dengan terus menggunakan YouTube setelah tanggal tersebut, berarti Anda menyetujui Persyaratan terbaru ini. Perlu diperhatikan, jika Anda mengizinkan anak Anda menggunakan YouTube Kids, atau mengelola penggunaan YouTube oleh anak Anda melalui Family Link, harap luangkan waktu sejenak untuk memberi tahu mereka tentang perubahan ini.


Terima kasih telah menjadi bagian dari komunitas global kami.



Pusat bantuan Opsi email


Kami mengirim email ini untuk memberitahukan perubahan penting pada Persyaratan Layanan YouTube.

© 2021 Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, 94043

25 Nov 2021

Pelajari lebih lanjut Persyaratan Layanan kami yang diperbarui


Pada 5 Januari 2022, kami akan membuat beberapa perubahan pada Persyaratan Layanan kami. Perubahan ini tidak akan memengaruhi cara Anda menggunakan layanan Google, tetapi perubahan tersebut akan mempermudah Anda memahami apa yang dapat Anda harapkan dari Google — dan apa yang kami harapkan dari Anda — saat Anda menggunakan layanan kami.

Anda dapat meninjau persyaratan baru di sini. Secara sekilas, berikut arti perubahan ini bagi Anda:

  • Kejelasan lebih tentang apa yang dapat Anda harapkan dari Google dan apa yang kami harapkan dari Anda: Kami memberikan lebih banyak contoh untuk menjelaskan perilaku saling menghormati yang kami harapkan dari semua pengguna kami.
  • Keterbacaan yang lebih optimal: Meskipun persyaratan kami merupakan dokumen hukum, kami telah berupaya sebaik mungkin untuk membuatnya lebih mudah dipahami, termasuk mengatur ulang beberapa topik agar lebih mudah ditemukan.

Jika Anda menggunakan Family Link untuk mengelola Akun Google bagi orang lain, harap luangkan waktu untuk memberi tahu orang tersebut tentang perubahan ini.

Terima kasih telah menggunakan Google.

Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, 94043

Email ini dikirimkan kepada Anda untuk memberitahukan perubahan penting pada Persyaratan Layanan Google.

14 Okt 2021

Ending soon: 50% off


Still thinking about upgrading?

With the code FLASH1310.AH0L784, you'll get 50% off your first payment. Plus, your upgrade gives you instant access to a slew of enhanced features — including 24/7 access to our team of highly-skilled Happiness Engineers whenever you need help with your site.

Get started with 50% off

The code FLASH1310.AH0L784 expires on Friday, October 15, so don't delay!

Discount applies to the first payment of an annual plan, but does not apply to future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other offer.

13 Okt 2021

Supercharge your website with this special offer


World-class support when you need it

Getting started with an upgraded WordPress.​com plan is easy, especially when you know you're supported by our global team of expert Happiness Engineers. And when you enter the code FLASH1310.AD0L589 at checkout, you'll get 50% off your very first plan payment.

Sign up today and enjoy the speed, features, and customization options an upgraded WordPress.​com plan will give you.

Let's do this!

Hurry! The code FLASH1310.AD0L589 expires on Friday, October 15.

Discount applies to the first payment of an annual plan, but does not apply to future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other offer.

30 Sep 2021

Reminder: your free domain name


Reminder: 50% ends soon ⏰

We're just popping back into your inbox to remind you of this offer! If you've been thinking about upgrading your WordPress.​com website, now's the time to do it.

Sign up for an upgraded WordPress.​com plan today and enter the promo code FLASH5029S at checkout to get 50% off your first plan payment. Plus when you choose yearly billing, we'll include your first year of domain name registration, totally free. 👍

Get started

The code FLASH5029S is valid for 50% off your first payment on a yearly WordPress.​com plan. This code will expire on Saturday, October 2, and this discount may not be applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other offer. Please note that select domain names may be excluded.

29 Sep 2021

Heads up! Your Free Domain Name is Waiting ⏰


Your free domain name is waiting for you!

Upgrade today and sign up for yearly billing on any of our paid plan options and you can get your first year of domain registration for free.

Think of your domain name as a welcome mat for your blog or a virtual awning for your business. It's the all important web address, so claim your domain and start your WordPress.com journey today. Be sure to use the promo code FLASH5029S to get 50% off your first plan payment.

Get started and claim your free domain name

The code FLASH5029S is valid for 50% off your first payment on a yearly WordPress.​com plan. This code will expire on Friday, October 1, and this discount may not be applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other offer. Please note that select domain names may be excluded.

16 Sep 2021

ENDING SOON: 40% off top-rated website hosting + a free domain name


Your free domain name is waiting!

Just popping in to remind you that your free domain name is still available with your upgrade, but your 40% off deal ends on Friday, September 17.

Get started

To claim your domain name and start building a site that you love, click here or on the button above. Be sure to use the code FLASH7331.9N0LC14 at checkout, and you'll save 40%.

Please note that select domain names may be excluded from this offer. Discount applies to the first payment of an annual plan, but does not apply to future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other offer.

15 Sep 2021

40% off + a free domain name


That's right — you've got a FREE domain name waiting for you.

Long story short: When you sign up for an upgraded WordPress.​com plan, we'll throw in your first year of domain name registration — totally free! Plus, when you use the promo code FLASH7331.9M0L07A, you'll get 40% off your very first payment.

Think of your domain name as a welcome mat for your blog or a virtual awning for your business. It's the all important web address, so claim your domain and start your WordPress.​com journey today.

Click here or on the button below to upgrade your site. The code FLASH7331.9M0L07A is valid until Friday, September 17, so be sure to take advantage of this offer ASAP.

Get started

In addition to .com, you can choose from hundreds of options for a domain name that matches your brand best! Take a look here.

Please note that select domain names may be excluded from this offer. Discount applies to the first payment of an annual plan, but does not apply to future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other offer.