29 Jul 2011

Perubahan Kata Sandi Facebook

Hai Imam,

Anda baru saja mengubah kata sandi Facebook Anda. Sebagai tindakan pencegahan keamanan, pemberitahuan ini telah dikirim ke semua alamat email yang terkait dengan akun Anda.

Jika Anda tidak pernah mengubah sandi, akun Anda mungkin korban penipuan phishing.Ikutilah tautan berikut untuk memperoleh kendali lagi atas akun Anda:

Terima kasih,
Tim Facebook

[aLuMni MaTsaNeGa] Wahahahaha

Sarief Timboueil Yasiin 29 Juli 15:34

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Afris Alfakir mengomentari catatan Anda RINTIHAN.

Halo Imam,
Afris Alfakir mengomentari catatan Anda RINTIHAN.
Afris menulis: Happy birth day mas, Q tak bsa ngucpn ap2. Fastabiqul kh0ir0t,

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Balas email ini untuk mengomentari catatan ini.
Terima kasih,
Tim Facebook
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Pesan ini dikirim ke imamjowo@gmail.com. Jika Anda tidak ingin menerima email dari Facebook di kemudian hari atau alamat email Anda digunakan untuk saran pertemanan, Anda dapat berhenti berlangganan. Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Afris Alfakir mengomentari catatan Anda RINTIHAN.

Halo Imam,
Afris Alfakir mengomentari catatan Anda RINTIHAN.
Afris menulis: 0h, em pux cwek bru geh?

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Terima kasih,
Tim Facebook
Lihat Komentar
Pesan ini dikirim ke imamjowo@gmail.com. Jika Anda tidak ingin menerima email dari Facebook di kemudian hari atau alamat email Anda digunakan untuk saran pertemanan, Anda dapat berhenti berlangganan. Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

28 Jul 2011

[New post] New Theme: Blogum

New Theme: Blogum

Takashi Irie | July 28, 2011 at 6:04 pm | Categories: Themes | URL: http://wp.me/pf2B5-1Za

Today we are introducing a clean and minimalist theme, Blogum.

The Blogum Theme

Designed by WPShower, Blogum has a grid-based layout and is designed in a modern style. This very clean style allows your reader to precisely focus on your content.

Blogum has a widget area in the right sidebar. It also includes a full-width template to hide the sidebar. You are able to customize even more with a header image, background, and custom menu.

Blogum also supports three post formats, Aside, Image and Gallery. Read all about Blogum's features on the Theme Showcase.

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[aLuMni MaTsaNeGa] bih prasa'an aq te' munda' gndut t0oo

bih prasa'an aq te' munda' gndut t0oo beh gwat tnan ikieee rek arek dwe resep gwe diet ura?
Cahya Iku AqOw 29 Juli 11:54
bih prasa'an aq te' munda' gndut t0oo
beh gwat tnan ikieee
rek arek dwe resep gwe diet ura?

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[New post] How to Get More Traffic

How to Get More Traffic

Scott Berkun | July 28, 2011 at 5:03 pm | Categories: General | URL: http://wp.me/pf2B5-1Oz

As soon as a blogger publishes their first post, their first question is: Where's all my traffic? Everyone assumes they're the only one seeking attention, when in truth nearly everyone is. It takes time to build an audience and no one gets much traffic without putting in the effort.

Here at WordPress.com we want you to get more traffic, and we build features and services to help. It's been awhile since we've told you about them, so here are our top recommendations:

  1. Update your About Page. One of the first things visitors to your site will want to know is something about who you are. If you don't update your About page to include a short bio, and they find a generic page instead,  they'll be disappointed. But if you briefly explain (two paragraphs is plenty) what the blog is about, and who you are, they'll be more likely to come back.
  2. Turn on Publicize. You can easily set up your WordPress.com blog to automatically share new posts out to your Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo or LinkedIn accounts. This increases your reach every time you publish a post.
  3. Turn on Sharing. With a few clicks, you can make it so any visitor can share a link to your post out to their social networks, their blog, or through email.
  4. Let readers subscribe by email. Email is often forgotten as a source of traffic. If you turn on the Subscriptions widget, people can choose to get notified of new posts on your blog, automatically, via email. It's a great way to keep them connected to your blog without any extra work for you, or for them.
  5. Post regularly. Pick a schedule that works for you - once a day, once  a week, once every two weeks, and stick to it. Mention that frequency in your About page, and put reminders on your personal calendar. It's only when people can expect regular posts that they'll be compelled to come back to see what you've written next. If you need ideas for posts, read and subscribe to DailyPost, where we give topic ideas and blogging advice every day. You can also use PressThis to quickly generate new posts while you are browsing the web.
  6. Write Well.  It's often unsaid, but better posts get more traffic. There's no sense in posting every day, if every post is boring or poorly written. It takes time to develop interesting ideas, and to edit posts to be concise and typo free. If people find a careless writer at work, they won't be back. What good is more traffic if the content they see isn't good enough for them to choose to return?
  7. Pick good titles. Blog post titles are like newspaper headlines. They need to be short and interesting to get people to want to see what's inside. It takes some thinking to get a title down to a short sentence, but it's time well spent. On Facebook and Twitter, all people will often see is the title and your link.
  8. Link to bloggers like you. When you link to another blog, they'll typically get notified (via a pingback) that someone has mentioned them. This will encourage them to visit your blog and, if they like what they find, link to you as well in their posts. But do it sparingly; too many links and we call it SPAM. If you find a post you like, excerpt a paragraph and link to the rest. Also check out Freshly Pressed and our Global Tags to find blogs with similar interests, and subscribe to their blog. You can use tags in your own posts so your work will surface there as well.
  9. Comment on other blogs like yours.  Every comment is an opportunity to show how well you write and think. When people read a great comment, they'll see your name, and the link to your blog, encouraging them to see what else you have to say. Identify good blogs on topics similar to your own, read and contribute sincerely.
  10. Respond to every comment you get. When people comment on your blog, they've invested a lot of their time. Reward them by answering questions and taking their feedback, and they'll come back again.
  11. Take requests.  Write a post requesting your readers (or your friends) to suggest topics to write about. Reach out to Facebook, twitter, or friends, for suggestions. Then let them know you've written about what they asked for. It's a great way to make sure everything you write will have at least one reader.
  12. Pay for traffic. Web applications like StumbleUpon can bring visitors to your posts with rates starting at $.05 per visit. If you've just published a great post and you really want some feedback from visitors, this can be a good way to get started. Companies looking for broader distribution, including getting content seen by journalists, should try services like PR Newswire.

Often you'll hear about get traffic fast schemes, but we don't believe in those sorts of things. There's not much magic or secrets necessary. The advice above, used thoughtfully, is more that sufficient to increase visitors to your blog.

Have other suggestions for what we can do to help you build traffic? Let us know.

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[42 hahahaha,,,,,,,^_^ (TRAGICA FATALITA Is The Best)] spurane nek q duwe salah rek,,

spurane nek q duwe salah rek,, ne bwtt tmen2 42 yg prnh tak salahi.. sing ga prnah eo brarti maafx ga brlaku,, hahahaha :D
Ian Mix Major 28 Juli 14:44
spurane nek q duwe salah rek,,
ne bwtt tmen2 42 yg prnh tak salahi..
sing ga prnah eo brarti maafx ga brlaku,,

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27 Jul 2011

[New post] New Theme: React

New Theme: React

Michelle Langston | July 27, 2011 at 2:04 pm | Categories: Themes | URL: http://wp.me/pf2B5-1Z4

Today, we're happy to launch React, a simple and elegant theme designed especially for business websites. In fact, React is for anyone who would like a clean design to showcase their work and inspire visitors to -- well -- react. If this describes you, React is yours for the lifetime of your blog for only $68.

The React Theme

The React Theme

Designed by The Theme Foundry, React packs an impressive array of features. In the theme options panel, you can turn the sidebar on or off, depending on your preferences. You can also choose to display a recent projects footer, a latest news footer, and a widgets footer. Add a personal touch with your own logo, a custom background, your choice from one of 7 primary fonts, and links to your Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr profiles. Finally (but certainly not least), load your site on a mobile device or tablet and enjoy the view -- React's responsive layout adapts beautifully to smaller screen sizes.

Read more about React's features on the Theme Showcase or preview it live on your blog from Appearance → Themes.

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26 Jul 2011

[aLuMni MaTsaNeGa] hyow knco2q sopo sing wes rabi

hyow knco2q sopo sing wes rabi  heheheheh
Rudi Sofa 27 Juli 9:50
hyow knco2q sopo sing wes rabi

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Iesty Hrusz BszaIkhlas menyukai status Anda.

Iesty Hrusz BszaIkhlas menyukai status Anda.
Lihat Status
Buka Pemberitahuan
Pesan ini dikirim ke imamjowo@gmail.com. Jika Anda tidak ingin menerima email dari Facebook di kemudian hari atau alamat email Anda digunakan untuk saran pertemanan, Anda dapat berhenti berlangganan. Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Cukup Leha menambahkan Anda ke grup "FORMUS ( Forum Musyawaroh)"

Berbagi dengan Cukup dan 212 lain di grup baru Anda.:
FORMUS ( Forum Musyawaroh)

Grup ini Open, yang berarti semua orang dapat melihat grup ini, anggotanya, dan kiriman anggota.Apa yang dapat Anda lakukan dalam grup?
Anggota dapat mengirim dan mengomentari berita terbaru, mengobrol dengan siapa pun dengan segera, menjadwalkan acara grup, membuat dokumen bersama, dan more.

Tidak tertarik?
Tinggal kunjungi grup ini, lalu klik Keluar dari Grup.
Terkirim ke imamjowo@gmail.com dari Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303 · Berhenti berlangganan

23 Jul 2011

[42 hahahaha,,,,,,,^_^ (TRAGICA FATALITA Is The Best)] tman gmn kbrx aan???

tman gmn kbrx aan???
SyaroFa Legh 24 Juli 10:56
tman gmn kbrx aan???

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[aLuMni MaTsaNeGa] Areg2 ki dtnyain kabarx kog diam aj se

Areg2 ki dtnyain kabarx kog diam aj se
Noorrieta Mytra 24 Juli 10:12
Areg2 ki dtnyain kabarx kog diam aj se

Lihat Kiriman Ini di Facebook · Sunting Pengaturan Email · Balas email ini untuk menambahkan komentar.

[aLuMni MaTsaNeGa] teMan,,,,.

Maghfiroh Itdhuu Virgiin 24 Juli 9:58

Lihat Kiriman Ini di Facebook · Sunting Pengaturan Email · Balas email ini untuk menambahkan komentar.

[42 hahahaha,,,,,,,^_^ (TRAGICA FATALITA Is The Best)] http://www.facebook.com/l/9AQC8dbHoAQCmMYhhTj...

[42 hahahaha,,,,,,,^_^ (TRAGICA FATALITA Is The Best)] download lagu mix major ea,,,

download lagu mix major ea,,, tp ne mch record kotor,, mkch,,, :D
Ian Mix Major 23 Juli 22:09
download lagu mix major ea,,,
tp ne mch record kotor,,

Lihat Kiriman Ini di Facebook · Sunting Pengaturan Email · Balas email ini untuk menambahkan komentar.

22 Jul 2011

KanjengAyu Ida Diningrat menyukai status Anda.

KanjengAyu Ida Diningrat menyukai status Anda.
Lihat Status
Buka Pemberitahuan
Pesan ini dikirim ke imamjowo@gmail.com. Jika Anda tidak ingin menerima email dari Facebook di kemudian hari atau alamat email Anda digunakan untuk saran pertemanan, Anda dapat berhenti berlangganan. Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

[42 hahahaha,,,,,,,^_^ (TRAGICA FATALITA Is The Best)] buad Aan Cupel .. semoga cepet sembuh n dbri...

buad Aan Cupel .. semoga cepet sembuh n dbri ketabahan ya.. maap cuma bisa doain dari sini..gak bisa jenguk d sbya...
Febrita Dwi ayu'Puspitayani 22 Juli 18:34
buad Aan Cupel .. semoga cepet sembuh n dbri ketabahan ya..
maap cuma bisa doain dari sini..gak bisa jenguk d sbya...

Lihat Kiriman Ini di Facebook · Sunting Pengaturan Email · Balas email ini untuk menambahkan komentar.

[42 hahahaha,,,,,,,^_^ (TRAGICA FATALITA Is The Best)] buka truz d add ea tmen2 42..

buka truz d add ea tmen2 42.. ni tmen muw lg brusaha,, moga barokah,, amin,,,
Ian Mix Major 22 Juli 16:22
buka truz d add ea tmen2 42..
ni tmen muw lg brusaha,,
moga barokah,,
Mix Major (Mix's Friends)Band yang terlahir dari para personil yang berbeda genre, akhirnya pada tanggal 11 Januari 2010 kami

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20 Jul 2011

[New post] New Theme: Piano Black

New Theme: Piano Black

Lance Willett | July 20, 2011 at 5:09 pm | Categories: Themes | URL: http://wp.me/pf2B5-1YL

Say hello to Piano Black, the newest theme to launch on WordPress.com. This dark and elegant theme showcases your content with a design that feels sophisticated yet techy and modern.

Piano Black front-page detail.

Make it yours with a header image, background, and custom menu, and optional RSS and Search areas in the header. Piano Black also includes a full-width-template for dropping the sidebar on pages. See more information on the Theme Showcase.

Designed by mono-lab — and a long-time popular theme for self-hosted WordPress blogs — Piano Black is available now in your dashboard under Appearance → Themes.

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[aLuMni MaTsaNeGa] .ae cah2__

.ae cah2__ .mbent pas lebran eneg reuni nech ga kie . .??
Allvie Pholhepel Addbooe 20 Juli 18:09
.ae cah2__
.mbent pas lebran eneg reuni nech ga kie . .??

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Noorrieta Mytra 20 Juli 16:16

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[aLuMni MaTsaNeGa] oek knco2 q pye kbr'e

oek knco2 q pye kbr'e
Rudi Sofa 20 Juli 15:59
oek knco2 q pye kbr'e

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