30 Jul 2013

[New post] One Theme, Three Ways: Customizing iTheme2

Ben Huberman posted: "iTheme2 was originally conceived as a tech blog theme, paying homage to the sleek design of Apple websites. The three blogs we showcase here are proof of its remarkable versatility: not one of them covers technology. Whether it's the natural splendors "

29 Jul 2013

[New post] Publish, Promote, Repeat: Dashboard Tools to Share Your Stuff with the World

Cheri Lucas Rowlands posted: "You've worked hard all day drafting a post, then click Publish to send it out into the world. Then, you crash for the night.  You've earned it, right? You wake up in the morning, excited to look in your dashboard to see who's read and commented on your"

26 Jul 2013

[New post] Blogger Profile: Ex-Expat Author Jack Scott

Ben Huberman posted: "For insight on expat life mixed with a generous dose of British wit, few bloggers can match Jack Scott, the author whose blog, Perking the Pansies, led to a publishing contract and a busy writing career. His book, Perking the Pansies: Jack and Liam Move t"

24 Jul 2013

[New post] Five Minutes with Dave Martin

Ben Huberman posted: "Every once in a while, we get to sit down with an Automattician to help you get to know the people who work behind the scenes here. These are the people who build new features, keep Automattic running, and make WordPress.com the best it can be. This week,"

23 Jul 2013

[New post] Be Part of the Official Annual WordPress Conference from Anywhere in the World!

michelle w. posted: "WordCamp San Francisco is three days away. Think you're out of luck because you're nowhere near California, or didn't buy a ticket before they sold out? Think again! Join the live stream, and attend WCSF without ever getting on a plane (or changing out of"

[New post] WordPress.com Users Can Now Register .CO Domain Names

Cheri Lucas Rowlands posted: "We're excited to announce the addition of .CO as a new top-level domain on WordPress.com. If you're interested in buying a custom domain name for a new or existing site, you can now choose and register .CO from among our existing options (.ME, .COM, .NET,"