29 Mar 2018

[blog.imam.in] Jhavinder Thakur liked your post "Hello world!"

[New post] The WordPress Mobile Apps Now Support Right-to-Left Languages

Klymentiy Haykov posted: "As part of the broader open source community, we believe in building products that people of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and abilities can use and enjoy. We strive to create software that works smoothly for English and non-English speakers alike, an"

28 Mar 2018

[New post] New and Improved iOS Sharing Extensions

Matt Bumgardner posted: "Are you using the WordPress for iOS app on your mobile device? Our mobile team is excited to announce a big update to the share extension in the app. The ability to share content from other apps is a core part of the iOS experience. Last fall, we decided"

20 Mar 2018

[New post] Updated Signup and Site Creation on Mobile Devices

scoutharris posted: "The latest stage in our authentication redesign effort improves signup and site creation on our mobile applications. (WordPress.com offers apps for your Android or iOS device.) Signup To simplify signup, we've separated site creation from account creati"