A simple way to add visual variety to your site's front page is to publish your content using Post Formats. Over 50 of our themes support Post Formats, which means they can display various types of content -- including images, videos, quotes, links, audio, and short snippets called "asides" -- with different formatting, adding subtle but nice touches to your site.

The types of Post Formats you can choose from depends on your theme. To see what Post Formats your current theme supports, go to Posts » Add New in the dashboard and look for a Format module on the right, with various options like the one below:

Format Module

Using Post Formats is optional -- if your theme supports them, you don't have to use them, since the default (standard) format works well with any content you publish. Using Post Formats is also free: you don't need to purchase the custom CSS upgrade to enable different Post Formats.

Our Top Themes Now Support Post Formats

Recently, we made our top 25 themes -- from popular free themes like Pilcrow, Manifest, and Bueno to premium themes such as Elemin -- look even better with Post Formats. Here's a sampling of how Post Formats look different, using the Elemin theme as an example:

Image Format:

Image Format

Video Format:

Video Format

Quote Format:

Quote Format

Link Format:

Link Format

Audio Format:

Audio Format

Aside Format:

Aside Format

Graphic icons spice up this particular theme, while other themes have different design or textual elements appropriate for their layouts. Browse the themes that support Post Formats in our Theme Showcase.

Start Posting Now

You can publish instantly using popular Post Formats right in your dashboard. Just click on the "New Post" on the top right, then select one of these popular formats to publish instantly to one of your sites:

Post Formats

Alternatively, you can go to Posts » Add New in your dashboard to create a new post. Just select the appropriate Post Format in the Format module, and you can use the "Preview" button to view the post before publishing it.