November marks the beginning of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), a project in which thousands of writers around the world work toward completing a 50,000-word novel by November 30th. Sound like something you want to get in on?

Whoa. That's 1,667 words per day. I'm not ready for that!
We hear you -- writing a whole novel is a pretty big undertaking. So why not gear up for the project by starting the Post a Day Challenge this October? It's a great way to meet others in the community, including writers who have completed NaNoWriMo in the past.
At The Daily Post, home of the Post a Day Challenge, we provide creative inspiration each and every day. You can also find tons of writing prompts at, so you never have to worry about running out of ideas. Participating in Post a Day is also a great opportunity to prepare outlines, character sketches, and research before starting your novel in November.
How am I supposed to complete a decent novel in a single month?
According to the folks at NaNoWriMo, "It's all about quantity, not quality. This approach forces you to lower your expectations, take risks, and write on the fly. Make no mistake: You will be writing a lot of crap. And that's a good thing. By forcing yourself to write so intensely, you are giving yourself permission to make mistakes. To forgo the endless tweaking and editing and just create. To build without tearing down."
Think of it this way: Would you rather write an imperfect-but-complete novel, or no novel at all? Besides, if you get in the habit of posting daily throughout October, you'll be well-equipped to start chipping away at a novel in November.
Bring it on! How do I sign up?
To join the Post a Day Challenge, visit The Daily Post. (The challenge began back in January but you can start any time.)
NaNoWriMo 2011 begins on November 1. Visit for information on how to register (the initiative is not run by If you decide to write your novel on your blog and want to make it easy for others to check out your writing, tag your posts with nanowrimo2011.
What else should I do to prepare?
To create a brand new (and optionally private) blog for the writing challenge, make sure you're logged in to, then start a new blog. If you don't have a account yet, get started here.
If you'd like to make your blog look more like a book, you might be interested in purchasing the Chapters theme. Remember that you also have the option to set up a static front page (in place of your posts page) on your blog's home page, if you'd like to use it to display a table of contents, for example.
So what do you think, are you up for the challenge?
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