9 Mei 2011

[New post] Now share Google Docs and Google Calendars

Now share Google Docs and Google Calendars

Veselin | May 9, 2011 at 4:30 pm | URL: http://wp.me/pf2B5-1O6

For many of you, your WordPress.com site isn't just about communication, it's about collaboration, too.

We're taking collaboration and sharing one step further today at WordPress.com by enabling you to embed  presentations, documents, forms, spreadsheets, and calendars created with Google Docs and Google Calendar.

We've had a lot of users request this functionality from our awesome Happiness Engineers, and we are listening.

To get started sharing Google Docs and Google Calendars, just copy/paste the code provided by Google into a post, page, or text widget, and you're done!

We've created two new Support documents to guide you through this step by step:

Note: if you're sharing a private (not public) document, the viewer will have to be logged into Google and have permission to access the document.

Get sharing!

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