30 Jun 2021

ENDING SOON: 50% off top-rated website hosting + a free domain name


Your free domain name is waiting!

Just popping in to remind you that your free domain name is still available with your upgrade, but your 50% off deal ends on Thursday, July 1.

Get started

To claim your domain name and start building a site that you love, click here or on the button above. Be sure to use the code FLASH50JUNE at checkout, and you'll save 50%.

Please note that select domain names may be excluded from this offer. Discount applies to the first payment of an annual plan, but does not apply to future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other offer.

29 Jun 2021

50% off + a free domain name


That's right — you've got a FREE domain name waiting for you.

Long story short: When you sign up for an upgraded WordPress.​com plan, we'll throw in your first year of domain name registration — totally free! Plus, when you use the promo code FLASH50JUNE, you'll get 50% off your very first payment.

Think of your domain name as a welcome mat for your blog or a virtual awning for your business. It's the all important web address, so claim your domain and start your WordPress.​com journey today.

Click here or on the button below to upgrade your site. The code FLASH50JUNE is valid until Thursday, July 1, so be sure to take advantage of this offer ASAP.

Get started

In addition to .com, you can choose from hundreds of options for a domain name that matches your brand best! Take a look here.

Please note that select domain names may be excluded from this offer. Discount applies to the first payment of an annual plan, but does not apply to future recurring payments. Discount may not be applied to previous purchases, renewals, subscription upgrades, or combined with any other offer.

1 Jun 2021

Verifikasikan alamat email Anda dengan TikTok

Hai user93755306837

Terima kasih telah bergabung dengan TikTok! TikTok tidak hanya merupakan satu-satunya tempat untuk hiburan instan, video ponsel berdurasi pendek, TikTok juga tempat yang aman untuk menampilkan karya asli dan nyata.

Untuk menyelesaikan pendaftaran akun: verifikasikan alamat email Anda untuk menjaga keamanan akun dan menyediakan cara untuk memulihkan kata sandi Anda.

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Email ini dibuat untuk user93755306837.
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