13 Des 2017

[New post] Managing Your Blog On a Mobile Device

Sarah Blackstock posted: "Have you given the WordPress mobile apps a try lately? We've been working hard to make sure our iOS and Android apps are simple to use and have the features you need to blog right from your phone or tablet. Here are a few recent additions and updates that"

7 Des 2017

[New post] New Premium Themes: Small Business and Photo Blog

Caroline Moore posted: "Today we're excited to announce two new premium themes: Small Business and Photo Blog. Small Business Small Business is a new premium theme for your entrepreneurial endeavors. At an introductory price of just $5 (or free with the Premium or Business pla"

4 Des 2017

[New post] Updated Privacy Policy

hollyannehogan posted: "As part of our commitment to privacy and transparency, we're updating our Privacy Policy. We want to give you more and clearer information about how we collect and use personal information -- in a more organized and readable format. Your privacy is criti"

12 Okt 2017

[New post] Update Your Avatar on WordPress.com

Valerie posted: "We've given one of our favorite features a boost! You can now manage your profile photo, or avatar, right on WordPress.com. This avatar, powered by a service called Gravatar, is the image that represents you online -- a thumbnail that appears next to your"