28 Nov 2012

[New post] Upload and Edit Media Seamlessly on WordPress.com

Krista posted: "Uploading and editing media just got a whole lot better on WordPress.com. Check out our new Media Manager, designed to make it easier to upload images, audio, and video files to your site and edit their attributes on the fly. Let's walk through how to add"

16 Nov 2012

[New post] Firefox Users: Try the WordPress.com Extension

Christopher Finke posted: "Want to receive WordPress.com notifications instantly, even when you're not on WordPress.com? Back in January, we announced the WordPress.com extension for Chrome, and today, the extension is available for Firefox too! Add the WordPress.com extension f"

14 Nov 2012

[New post] Make WordPress.com Your City’s Virtual Home

Christopher Finke posted: "City administrators: Don't spend thousands of dollars on a proprietary system for your city's website. We've launched WordPress.com/cities as the go-to place to start a site for your city or other municipal body, and there's no charge to get started. ("F"

12 Nov 2012


Hope you receive my last mail

10 Nov 2012

My name is Robert Alan Price, I am re-sending this to you again thus; A deceased client of mine, that shares the same last name as yours, who died as the result of a heart-related condition in January 28th 2009.I have contacted you to assist in distributing the money left behind by my client which is lodged in the bank.
 If you are really sure of your integrity, trustworthy, and confidentiality, reply me with my private E-mail address(
alanpricer@yahoo.ca) for more details regarding transfer of the Funds
 Mr. Robert Alan Price

8 Nov 2012

[FunAndFuntastic (FAF)] Komentar baru di [Alumni MtsN Gandusari] g ngerasa udh hamPir 1 thu....

Anonim telah membuat komentar baru pada posting Anda "[Alumni MtsN Gandusari] g ngerasa udh hamPir 1 thu..."

ea lach pa lgi q jauh dari gandusari

Diposkan oleh Anonim ke FunAndFuntastic (FAF) pada 8 November 2012 18:21

5 Nov 2012

[New post] The WordPress Bestseller List

Cheri Lucas posted: "Move over, New York Times bestseller list. Millions of people across the globe turn to WordPress to build their websites and blogs, and we're proud to say WordPress is home to many bestselling writers and winners of prestigious literary awards and priz"

1 Nov 2012

[New post] NaBloPoMo is here! Need some inspiration?

michelle w. posted: "It's November 1st, and National Blog Posting Month--NaBloPoMo--is upon us. Time to put your thinking cap on, fire up the computer, chug some extra coffee, and get a-postin'! Bookmark these resources for days when you need a little something extra, and lea"